This content is intended for Health care professionals in Australia. Content in videos is intended to provide procedural educational insight and is the opinion of the presenter or author. Johnson & Johnson Medical does not endorse the use or promotion of unapproved products or indications.
Current Role of His bundle or LBBB area Pacing with Kenneth Ellenbogen, MD
Disorders of Impulse Formation and Conduction with Kenneth Ellenbogen, MD
Wide Complex Tachycardias: Regular & Irregular with John Miller, MD
Ventricular Arrhythmia Localization Using the EKG: Outflow Tract Anatomy Correlates with Jonathan Hsu, MD
Use of the ECG and Intracardiac Recordings to Diagnose and Demonstrate the Electrophysiologic Characteristics of Atriofascicular Pathways with Warren "Sonny" Jackman, MD
Transseptal Puncture Techniques with G. Joseph Gallinghouse, MD
Transseptal Puncture Techniques with Andrea Natale, MD
Substrate Mapping VT in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy with Melissa Robinson, MD
Streamlined AFib Workflow with the OCTARAY® Mapping Catheter and TRUEref™ Technology with Josh Silverstein, MD
Sterile Covering for the SOUNDSTAR Catheter
Sterile Covering for the AcuNav™ Catheter
Step by Step Approach for analyses of ECG to differentiate mechanisms of SVT with Greg Michaud, MD