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Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Academy
The AIS Academy offers in-depth education through a series of modules led by thought leaders in orthopaedics.

AFib Symposium Hub
This program offers all the valuable resources related to previous editions of the AFib Symposium.

Breast Symposium Hub
Breast Symposium Hub offers video recordings of the lectures and discussions from Mentor Breast Symposium.

Colorectal Simulation Program
This program is designed to enhance proficiency in laparoscopic left and right hemicolectomy.

Education Program for Developing EPs
The EPDEP program is specifically designed for young consultants in Electrophysiology.

EMPOWOR Nurse and Allied Health
The EMPOWOR Program is intended for EMEA EP Nurses and Allied HealthCare Professional

Energy Academy
This program offers concise learning to understand monopolar, bipolar, and ultrasonic energy modalities.

SuturED consists of e-modules covering topics including suturing techniques and science of tissue management.