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Aortic Dissection Using VISTASEAL™ Fibrin Sealant with Michael Worley, Jr., MD
Myomectomy Using HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears with Kurian Thott, MD
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Using HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears and SURGICEL™ Powder Absorbable Hemostat with Kurian Thott, MD
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Using HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears and ENSEAL™ X1 Straight Jaw Tissue Sealer with Kurian Thott, MD
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy and Hysterectomy using VISTASEAL Fibrin Sealant with Michael Worley, Jr., MD
Robotic Assisted Lap Resection of a C-Section Scar Ectopic Pregnancy with Marc Winter, MD
Robotic Vaginal Cuff Closure Featuring STRATAFIX™ Spiral Knotless Tissue Control Device with Jonathan D. Black, MD, MPH
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy featuring HARMONIC® HD 1000i Shears, STRATAFIX™ Knotless Tissue Control Devices, and SURGICEL® Powder Absorbable Hemostat with Steven McCarus, MD
EVICEL™ Laparoscopic Airless Spray Accessory in Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery
Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy Using the HARMONIC ACE™+ Shears with James Kondrup, MD
ETHICON Needles in a Robotic Vaginal Cuff Closure using STRATAFIX™ with Dwight Im, MD
Vaginal Hysterectomy with Ira Stanley Frye, MD