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Uniportal VATS Left Upper Lobectomy Using the ECHELON FLEX™ Powered Vascular Stapler and ECHELON™+ Stapler with Staple Line Reinforcement with David Zeltsman, MD
Reducing Prolonged Air Leaks in Robotic Lung Resections Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler with Staple Line Reinforcement with Mathew Ninan, MD
Regional Lymph Node Classification for Lung Cancer Staging
Tips and Techniques for Sublobar Resections: Segmentectomy/Wedge
Best Practices for Reducing Anastomotic Leaks in Esophagectomies
Wedge Resection Using the ENSEAL™ X1 Curved Jaw Tissue Sealer and ECHELON+™ Stapler with John Roberts, MD
VATS Procedure Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler with John Roberts, MD
Wedge Resection Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler with Keith Mortman, MD
ECHELON ENDOPATH™ Staple Line Reinforcement on SureForm in Robotic Lobectomy with Emily Cassidy, MD
VATS Lobectomy After Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy
Left Lower Lobectomy After Immunotherapy Using the ECHELON 3000 Stapler with Scott Swanson, MD
VATS Lobectomy After Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy with Daniel Miller, MD